Corporate Social Responsibility

As a designer and manufacturer of industrial doors, we understand that the running of our business has an impact on our place of work, our communities, and the wider environments in which we operate. Due to the intensive nature of our work, we aim to ensure that continued efforts are made to improve the way we run our business, and that we strive to make a positive difference in the areas that we can.
Any projects we undertake require us to work as ethically as possible, placing our social responsibility at the very forefront of our approach. We endeavour to sustain a business that is both commercially successful and respected in its ethical standing by all stakeholders, including customers, clients, investors, regulators, suppliers, and the wider community.

We embrace the role our business plays, on a day-to-day basis, in contributing to a better society for all.

This strategy document details the work we have undertaken to prioritise both people and planet and will link to relevant documents containing additional information on our initiatives.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


We know that, as a manufacturer, our operations will have an impact on the environment, and we are constantly working to reduce those impacts by:

  • Maintaining our ISO 14001 environmental certification and working in line with current best practice
  • Regularly evaluating our environmental business targets, monitoring our progress and reviewing actions needed to meet them
  • Using all purchased materials as effectively and efficiently as possible
  • Minimising levels of waste produced by re-using materials, where possible
  • Ensuring that, where waste is produced, we segregate it into waste streams so that it can be recycled or otherwise disposed of in line with legislation

Environmental Policy


Sustainability issues are often linked to the environment and covered in the above section. In addition we commit to promoting sustainability within the business and throughout our supply chain by:

  • Integrating sustainability considerations into all our business decisions
  • Complying with, and where possible exceeding, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice
  • Purchasing timber products from recycled or well managed and sustainable sources
  • Considering the likely life of products and investing in more durable quality products that offer better long term value
  • Ensuring all staff are fully aware of, and commit to, our sustainability objectives
  • Minimising the impact on sustainability of all office and transportation activities
  • To make clients/customers and suppliers aware of our sustainability objectives, and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices
  • To review and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance


Rhino Doors’ products help society by making buildings and other structures more secure, increasing levels of protection against accident, injury, explosion and other forms of threat.

But we also seek to support our local communities in different ways, playing our part to positively impact on people and economies.

We’ve supported local communities by:



We consider our people our most important asset and we take all possible steps to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing are prioritised in the workplace. This includes our own facilities, where we have direct control, and site facilities, where we work closely with clients and contractors to secure workforce protection.

Some of the other ways in which we provide for our team include:

  • Promoting equal opportunities and ensuring the avoidance of discrimination in the workplace
  • Investing in the training and development of our employees to guarantee they are up to date with regulations, practices and techniques
  • Keeping staff fully informed of our policies and procedures, and maintaining an open and honest approach to all our communities
  • Encouraging the sharing of ideas and knowledge to improve our processes and our working relationships

Health & Safety Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Occupational Health Policy


Rhino Doors’ products are designed to improve security and/or increase the protection of assets in often hostile situations. We believe these products make a positive contribution to society by reducing or eliminating the consequences of threat.

We hold ourselves to high standards and this means:

  • Working with high-quality suppliers, based locally where possible, and seeking to maintain excellent working relationships with them
  • Taking a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption, and promoting fair trading across all our business activities
  • Expecting all our suppliers to embrace our CSR principles and follow our lead regarding ethical practices, human rights and social responsibility

Anti Corruption & Bribery Policy

Ethical Trading & Human Rights Policy


We work with customers and clients who operate across a range of different sectors, and we always seek to deliver high-quality solutions that meet their varied needs. In order to do this, we endeavour to maintain the highest professional standards. This means:

  • We work closely with our IT provider to maintain the security of information
  • Before starting a project, we ensure that design requirements are clearly understood and then work with clients as the designs are developed. Open communications are maintained throughout the duration of the project, to final supply or installation
  • All work is carried out under a Quality Management System certified to meet the requirements of ISO 9001
  • During liaison with clients, the company ensures that all work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Data Security & Protection Policy

Quality Policy

Construction (Design & Management) Policy

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